One week of Born Transcendent

Close up photo of Jessie and her father Ryan


On Monday, 13th of June, Born Transcendent had its first media coverage by Sarah Horgan in The Echo newspaper here in Ireland.

Foto of the newspaper article in the Echo featuring 3 fotos of Jessie

A week after that we launched our website and online shop after months of planning and designing. It is the most rewarding feeling to see Jessie so incredibly excited about the positive feedback we got from all around.

Since then we have designed even more clothing, created new content for Instagram and Facebook and had another fashion photoshoot.

And since today, you can even find us on TikTok

We are excited about the journey ahead, carrying our message into the world and changing minds and hearts along the way.

Looking forward to sharing more about our day-to-day lives, Jessie’s creative journey and her progress in the forge with you!

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